This story begins with a young married couple in a small basement suite in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Matt and I had been living a quiet and simple life for the last year. Matt was attending college to become an aircraft maintenance engineer. I was working full-time as a dental receptionist to support him and pay the rent. We were enjoying this season of our lives and getting quite comfortable with our routine. Money was tight but our life was filled with love, joy, and peace. Every evening we were among friends playing board games, meeting for bible studies, and participating in the free social events at Church of the Rock. We could see the direction that our lives would take over the next few years. Matt would graduate and get a job in his trade. Then it would be his turn to support me as I finished my masters degree. When our careers were established we would start having children. This was the dream we were pursuing and I was excited for my future. There was just one problem. Late at night when my mind was quiet, there was a restlessness in my spirit and a whisper that said,
I have so much more to show you. Come and see. Continue reading “The Journey Begins: The First Call”