It’s first light on a brisk fall morning. Matt and I move quickly to take down the tent, pack up camp, and strap the equipment back onto our steel-framed bicycles. This routine has become like clockwork for us as we’ve been cycling consistently for the last three weeks after leaving the west coast of Ireland. Our camping site is located on a patch of muddy grass beside a famous man-made river called The English Canal.
I’m feeling pretty miserable right now as I push on the pedals of my bicycle against the long steady hill out of Westport, Ireland. We left Ballina on September 3rd and began following a mapped tourist route called the Wild Atlantic Way. We found this trail to be aptly named because the west coast is known for being the most rural part of Ireland. The views are stunningly beautiful with rugged cliffs, mountains, and luscious green fields. This normally would be an enjoyable ride for us with few concerns. However, this time our trip has taken an unexpected turn. We have absolutely no money.Continue reading “The Lost Wallet”
Throughout the winter, I (Matthew) watched as Amy diligently fasted and prayed with God. She would close our bedroom door in the evenings and spend hours worshiping, waiting, and listening to Him. When she finally exited our room, her face would radiate with joy as she shared the words God had spoken to her in the quiet place. I longed to join her, but it was such a struggle for me both physically and mentally. I couldn’t fast like Amy. I would starve all morning and then break my fast by noon. Even when I tried to pray I couldn’t seem to concentrate. My mind was restless and void.
“Amy, I don’t know how you’ve managed to fast this long,” I say enviously.
“I think it’s because God has invited me to fast and pray,” Amy answers. “Therefore I have the grace to accomplish His will. Trust me Matt, without God’s grace I don’t think I could’ve done this either.”
Back then, I didn’t understand what Amy was trying to say. That is, until I got a taste of this grace for myself.
The winter of 2018 was one of the most exciting season’s of my life. I started off the year with an amazing invitation from God to draw closer to Him and grow spiritually. For the next five months, I started devoting myself to fasting and praying every Tuesday and Thursday. Then on June 19th, my birthday, God spoke a powerful message over me and Matt. He offered to let us continue our journey east around the world. God blessed The Narrow Shoulder, calling it a wilderness journey, and declaring it both faithful and righteous in His sight (read story here). In addition, God provided for the journey in a miraculous way. Three days after my birthday, we received a gift of $12,500. This specific amount of money was given to us after God used our finances to test our hearts throughout the winter season. He challenged us with an important question,
Have you ever tried to execute a financial plan, only to have it turn completely on its head? This is what Matt and I experienced this winter. When we first arrived in Halifax, we were very low on funds and our journey east had come to a sudden halt. Unsure as to how we should proceed, Matt and I came up with a very simple plan. We would both find full-time employment and save up our money to continue on The Narrow Shoulder. We estimated that it would take approximately two years to save up enough money. It was a good plan. However, God’s plan turned out to be much different than our own. Our jobs ended up being both part-time and temporary. Our paychecks were only enough to pay for our rent and livelihood. When we did receive extra funds, God encouraged us to be generous and give it away. During this season, God tested our hearts like never before. In so many situations, Matt and I were challenged with a choice. To put our faith in our jobs and finances, or to put our faith in God.Continue reading “Winter Assignment Part 2: Move the Mountain”
Matt and I have some amazing news. We are going to Ireland! We are leaving on August 8th and continuing our journey on The Narrow Shoulder. It is an amazing story about how God has guided our steps and provided a way for us to continue our journey east. When Matt and I first arrived in Halifax we felt a little lost and confused. The bicycle trip had come to a complete stop at the Atlantic Ocean and our faith was about to be tested on a whole new level. The Waiting Game had begun. Continue reading “Winter Assignment Part 1: The Waiting Game”
I have to be honest with you guys. Over the last month Matt and I have been struggling financially and almost had to consider going home or moving into a homeless shelter. Allow me explain in more detail the situation and how God has provided for us over the last few months. Continue reading “A Christmas Miracle”
“We have to stop here.” Matt insisted as he pulled over to the side of the road.
“Again?” Stephen said with annoyance.
I understood his frustration. We had planned to cycle 90 kilometers to Kakabeka Falls, but already the day had been filled with interruptions. This morning we had met a total of seven different cyclists making their way across Canada. We had also stopped to explore a shop on the side of the highway, and then took pictures at the sign indicating we had just crossed into the Eastern Time Zone. The morning had certainly been exciting, but we had only cycled about 40 kilometers.
“Maybe you guys haven’t noticed, but we are down to our last litre of water.” Matt pointed out. “If we don’t refill now, it doesn’t look like there will be any lakes or cities for a long time. We should turn into this town and see if anyone can help us.” Continue reading “A Garden of Blessings”
Up and down, up and down. The hills of Ontario seem never ending as we venture deeper into the woods of this rugged province. I can feel my heart beating faster as I push against the pedals of my bike, forcing my body to keep a consistent pace. I can hear Matt and Stephen breathing heavily behind me, fighting their way up the hill. Up ahead I can see the hill leveling off. With all my might I push myself to the top of the hill, and as I catch my breath my eyes see a wonderful sight. A great wooden sign that reads “Kenora, Lake of the Woods”. Continue reading “What Planet are you From?”
I sat on my usual bus ride home, route 19, from my evening sociology class at the University of Winnipeg. The sun had already set behind the tall buildings, taking with it the light and warmth from the day. Outside was dark and I couldn’t see anything outside my window except for my own reflection looking back at me. The girl in the window had long brown hair and wide hazel eyes. She would have looked beautiful if not for the air of depression that seemed to rest on her shoulders. The girl’s hair was unkempt and she wore no makeup to help her appearance. Her mouth and forehead showed lines of stress, and her eyes were filled with grief and sorrow. I really hated this girl, because I feared that this reflection of mine would become a permanent reality.Continue reading “My Healing Journey”