Winter Assignment Part 3: The Direction

The winter of 2018 was one of the most exciting season’s of my life. I started off the year with an amazing invitation from God to draw closer to Him and grow spiritually.  For the next five months, I started devoting myself to fasting and praying every Tuesday and Thursday. Then on June 19th, my birthday, God spoke a powerful message over me and Matt. He offered to let us continue our journey east around the world. God blessed The Narrow Shoulder, calling it a wilderness journey, and declaring it both faithful and righteous in His sight (read story here). In addition, God provided for the journey in a miraculous way. Three days after my birthday, we received a gift of $12,500. This specific amount of money was given to us after God used our finances to test our hearts throughout the winter season. He challenged us with an important question,

How much do you want to be blessed?

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